An interactive learning experience!

Way back when my four children were young and learning how to add and subtract, we quickly realized we needed a little creative help.
They all came home with a basic number line handed out in school, but it just wasn’t doing the job. In an effort to have the kids understand simple math, I figured I’d put them ON the number line. This activity works for basic addition and subtraction where the answers fall between single digit numbers 0-10 (you can always expand your number line as your children get the hang of it).
![shutterstock_2234126613 [Converted].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/65c9d7_8eb57047267c4e5982f9251c87ad6f48~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_565,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/65c9d7_8eb57047267c4e5982f9251c87ad6f48~mv2.png)
Here's how to play
Print or draw the numbers 0 through 10 on individual pieces of paper. Regular sized paper will do, but the sheets should be large enough for the child to stand on.
Place the numbers (in order) on the floor in a line.
Have the child begin the game standing on the 0.
Introduce a math problem. For example, 1+2=?
To begin, the child takes 1 step, landing on the 1 on the number line.
Next, instruct the child to add (plus) 2, by moving forward 2 steps.
The child then looks down to see they have landed on the number 3!
Now, repeat the math problem to the child: 1+2=?
The child will confidently announce 3!
Continue the game by introducing another math problem. You can pick up where you left off (ex: 3-1=?), or have the start fresh on 0 each round.

Click here to download your child’s very own Interactive Number Line for only $2.99. Each of the eleven pages has been created with a number and designs ready for coloring and counting.
Thanks, and have fun learning!